i was chatting with Richard Bonk and he mentioned yesterday was world float day… and lo and behold there is even a website devoted to world float day sponsored by…
The Zen Float Tent... it says it right here Unboxing the Zen Float Co Tank in this video description: Oh, no.. wait a minute... Samadhi is the best because ...…
The evidence in this video leads to some thoughts/questions: Where should a temperature probe be placed? At the floor of the tank? At the top of the water? It's much…
Elysian Float Spa stated: let people know 3 main treatment areas so they can see how it might benefit them: athletic/ muscle recovery, chronic aches and pains, anxiety/ depression/ PTSD.
After looking through the beautiful tanks in the Aquarmony catalog, I was spurred to expand on the list of tank types that Float Tanks Solutions published in one of their…
There are many areas of endeavor in floatation tanks. Let's work through them: Academic research The first area of float tank endeavor was research. In fact John Lilly (and Jay…